Monday 24 January 2011

Godfather (Film Opening)

Here I will talk about the openings of 3 different films, of similar genres to the film we as a group are planning on making for our AS coursework film, discussing techniques used in each which are significant whether it be due to them being stereotypical, counter typical or simply appealing and interesting to the viewers. Understanding  these techniques and the reasoning behind these will be key for the successes of our final piece.

The opening of The Godfather consists of an Italian-American man, typical of this genre of film, speaking to the Godfather (Don Corleone) about how his daughter had been taken advantage of by some American boys who had left her badly beaten. The reasoning for this man being in Don Corleone’s company soon becomes apparent when he asks him for justice, something of which he feels the police were unable to give him leaving him with Corleone as his only option left. This film, like so many others of the crime thriller genre, features an opening monologue which is definitely something of which we will have to take note of in the production of our real media product.

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