Wednesday 27 April 2011


This is our final script for our real media product, Brand New Shoes, it should stay exactly as it is here, however it is obviously subject to change on the day of filming.

Scene 1

[Camera focuses target through the scope, a few people walking around]

Come on, come on. Where are ya?

[Target (Murphy) walks into view of scope]

Oi, what are you doing? Do you know who that is?!

Does it look like I give a monkeys…

[Danny grabs Matt by the scruff of the neck, but Archie pushes him back]

His boys are nasty Arch

…you saw what he did to Crumble.

Scene 2

[Fade in; Crumble laid out on the floor beaten]

[Cut to Murphy running off; Fade Out]

Scene 3

[Archie turns away from Danny and props gun through window]

[Camera focuses back on the scope again, target (Murphy) right in the centre]

Fuck it

[Shot is fired]

Scene 4

[Ritchie stumbling through a field]

Voice over of Ritchie:
It wasn’t always like this, my old man always told me “you’re going round in circles kid, don’t you want me to be proud” since then I’ve been on a one way path to the top and at the start that was all it took to make me happy but life has a funny way of throwing obstacles your way. At times we’re down because we want it all and when we get it, its not enough, we find ourselves in a maze of deceit and betrayal. Someone once told me; “be careful who you trust, few people care, most just want to hold your bollocks for ransom. No one could touch me; I had the guns, girls and the geezers, use, abuse, dispose. People didn’t like this, that’s when I started to notice the ugly side of the good life, times have changed, friends have become enemies and now look at me, but fuck it I’ve always done it the hard way, why stop now? Let me take you back to the beginning, lets meet my boys.

Scene 5

[Non-Diegetic Music]

[Camera cuts between Danny, Archie, Ritchie and Crumble drinking shots]

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