Tuesday 29 March 2011

Target Audience

The demographics for our target audience would be fairly niche;
Between the ages of 16 and 30
70% male 30% female
Social class C1

I feel that these demographics are very accurate for the type of film we are making and similar films to ours which back up our target audience would be;

RocknRolla, whose target audience was;
Ages 15-34 [77%]
71% Male, 29% Female
Social Class C1 [35%]

and Snatch, whose target audience was;
Ages 15-34 [74%]
57% Male, 43% Female
Social Class C1 [30%]

The similarity, I feel, between the demographics of the target audiences for these very successful other crime thriller films and ours show that our film is aimed at the right set of people to be a success.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Preliminary Task

Before making our final piece film opening sequence, we were tasked with making a preliminary video to get us used to the cameras, acting and editing that would be involved with the real thing.

Our preliminary task had to include a person walking through a door into a room, using:
·         Shot Reverse Shot
·         Match On Action
·         180degree
We shot the preliminary task in the school and it included, Fernando (a member of our group) walking through a door to see Karl (another member) and partake in a drug deal including dialogue etc.
Whilst editing, we added music in the back of the video which fades in and out, in relation to when there is dialogue involved.

... and this is our finished and edited preliminary task which we were asked to make for our Media Studies AS coursework before our main opening sequence task of which we will work on next.